Bilateral relations between Saudi Arabia and Wallonia
Trade - Commerce
- Belgium
BELGIUM is the 11th largest exporter with a share of 2.4% and the 14th largest importer of goods worldwide with 2,2% of world imports
Belgium and Saudi Arabia have a strong trade relation. Belgium imported more than 4 billion USD of goods in 2018 whereas Saudi Arabia imported almost 2 billion of goods from Belgium during the same year.
- Sectors
In terms of goods, Belgium is mostly exporting chemical products, machinery and optical products to Saudi Arabia.
- Wallonia
In 2017, the amount of the Walloon exportation across the globe was more than 40 billion euros. It has increased by more than 8% in 2017.
In 2017, the global value of the Walloon exportation in Saudi Arabia was more than 350 million dollars. Saudi Arabia is the 24th client of Wallonia.
Ernst & Young ranked Belgium as the fifth most attractive places to invest in Europe. Google, Microsoft, GSK, Baxter, Decathlon and many others have already opted in favor of Wallonia. They have developed their activities there, attracted by a.o. the research grants, the geographical position at the heart of Europe and the quality of the logistics infrastructures. Wallonia Export & Investment Agency (AWEX) also provides free services and full support to businesses wanting to locate in Wallonia: research into subsidies, business premises, skilled personnel, training, etc.
Here you can find the 10 best reasons why you should invest in Wallonia: http://www.investinwallonia.be/wallonia-and-competitiveness-2/10-good-re...